Sunday 4 December 2011

New years resolutions and Interning

Happy new year!!

This time of year is always great for reflecting on all the things you have or haven't achieved since last new year, which can be either very depressing or very encouraging. I definately didn't achieve the yearly 'lose a few pounds' order, but I'm glad to say that I did achieve all the less menial goals I set for myself - to get a good grade for my degree and get myself an internship. Well, I got a great mark for my degree and now I'm on my second internship!

Right now I'm interning at Sharkius Games which is really cool and right at the heart of the so called Silicon roundabout in London. I'm having an awesome time making artwork, mostly for their Facebook game Me to You: My Place (you can play it here also!) Better still, everybody is super cool and very talented and I've been learning a lot from the whole experience.

Here's everybody doing the Fonz!



By this time next year I think I'd like to have a job that I'm happy with and generally have much improved palette of art skills. But that's only 365 days away so let's just see how it goes!



Recently we had 30 seconds of fame in this TV report!

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